All mechanical parts are guaranteed for 90days from date of purchase.
All electrical parts are guaranteed for 30 days from date of purchase.
Our guarantee is limited to replacement, or contribution towards repair at our option.
The guarantee will become void if parts are not fitted by an approved specialist.
The guarantee will become void if parts are dismantled or taken apart in any way.
We are not liable for any labour, inconvenience or any other costs which may arise from parts that customers supply.
The purchaser assumes all responsibility for any expenses incurred during installation and or removal of any parts supplied by us.
If after having work done / parts fitted the customer is unhappy with the result, the customer can come back directly to Venus Motors ltd within seven days to have the issue looked at. If the customer returns after seven days the issue will be deemed a new job.
Warranty Terms
12 moths warranty on all new parts & labour only